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<p>Craft, at its core, is about understanding how to make things. Material Studies is about bringing an idea into the physical world through a deep understanding of materials and their potential. The Bachelor of Fine Arts in Craft and Material Studies enables you to become a well-rounded artist through a broad range of studio and academic coursework designed to foster technical fluency, critical studies, diverse thinking, and an understanding of craft and art in the 21st century.</p>
<p>Our courses examine diverse materials and cultivate your personal curiosity. You will create work along a broad spectrum, from functional design to conceptual art, and refine your communication skills through writing, presenting and discussing your work.</p>
<p>The five main areas of focus—glass, fiber, clay, metal and wood—incorporate contemporary modes of thinking and making with long-established techniques from all over the world. Students choose electives from an array of subjects including studio courses, environmental studies, art history and gender studies.</p>
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<h2 class="topics_item_title">Art Foundation Program</h2>
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<p class="topics_item_description">The Art Foundation Program (AFO) is the first year experience for students who want to major in Craft/Material Studies. The skills you'll develop are required to declare a Craft/Materials Studies major.</p>
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<h2 class="media_carousel_title_primary">Course Highlights</h2>
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<a class="media_carousel_item_figure_link" href="#" aria-label="Read more about Woodworking Techniques" tabindex="-1">
<img class="media_carousel_item_image" srcset="https://images.fastspot.com/vcuarts/980x980/4 980w, https://images.fastspot.com/vcuarts/740x740/4 740w, https://images.fastspot.com/vcuarts/500x500/4 500w, https://images.fastspot.com/vcuarts/300x300/4 300w, https://images.fastspot.com/vcuarts/100x100/4 100w" sizes="(min-width: 1394px) 20vw, (min-width: 1220px) 25vw, (min-width: 980px) 38vw, (min-width: 740px) 46vw, 98vw" src="https://images.fastspot.com/vcuarts/100x100/4" alt="" loading="lazy" width="100" height="100">
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<span class="media_carousel_item_title_primary">Woodworking Techniques</span> <span class="media_carousel_item_secondary">CRAF 221</span>
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<p class="media_carousel_item_description">Introduction to techniques of woodworking. Includes the use of hand tools; hand and machine joinery; shaping and carving; finishing; and techniques involving jigs and fixtures. Students participate in studio work.</p>
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<a class="media_carousel_item_figure_link" href="#" aria-label="Read more about Jewelry" tabindex="-1">
<img class="media_carousel_item_image" srcset="https://images.fastspot.com/vcuarts/980x980/5 980w, https://images.fastspot.com/vcuarts/740x740/5 740w, https://images.fastspot.com/vcuarts/500x500/5 500w, https://images.fastspot.com/vcuarts/300x300/5 300w, https://images.fastspot.com/vcuarts/100x100/5 100w" sizes="(min-width: 1394px) 20vw, (min-width: 1220px) 25vw, (min-width: 980px) 38vw, (min-width: 740px) 46vw, 98vw" src="https://images.fastspot.com/vcuarts/100x100/5" alt="" loading="lazy" width="100" height="100">
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<h2 class="media_carousel_item_title">
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<span class="media_carousel_item_title_link_label">
<span class="media_carousel_item_title_primary">Jewelry</span> <span class="media_carousel_item_secondary">CRAF 211</span>
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<p class="media_carousel_item_description">Investigation of basic jewelry making processes such as construction, chasing, surface embellishment and basic stone setting. Research in contemporary and historical jewelry forms.</p>
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<img class="media_carousel_item_image" srcset="https://images.fastspot.com/vcuarts/980x980/6 980w, https://images.fastspot.com/vcuarts/740x740/6 740w, https://images.fastspot.com/vcuarts/500x500/6 500w, https://images.fastspot.com/vcuarts/300x300/6 300w, https://images.fastspot.com/vcuarts/100x100/6 100w" sizes="(min-width: 1394px) 20vw, (min-width: 1220px) 25vw, (min-width: 980px) 38vw, (min-width: 740px) 46vw, 98vw" src="https://images.fastspot.com/vcuarts/100x100/6" alt="" loading="lazy" width="100" height="100">
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<h2 class="media_carousel_item_title">
<span class="media_carousel_item_title_primary">Woodworking Techniques</span> <span class="media_carousel_item_secondary">CRAF 221</span>
<div class="media_carousel_item_body">
<p class="media_carousel_item_description">Introduction to techniques of woodworking. Includes the use of hand tools; hand and machine joinery; shaping and carving; finishing; and techniques involving jigs and fixtures. Students participate in studio work.</p>
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<img class="media_carousel_item_image" srcset="https://images.fastspot.com/vcuarts/980x980/8 980w, https://images.fastspot.com/vcuarts/740x740/8 740w, https://images.fastspot.com/vcuarts/500x500/8 500w, https://images.fastspot.com/vcuarts/300x300/8 300w, https://images.fastspot.com/vcuarts/100x100/8 100w" sizes="(min-width: 1394px) 20vw, (min-width: 1220px) 25vw, (min-width: 980px) 38vw, (min-width: 740px) 46vw, 98vw" src="https://images.fastspot.com/vcuarts/100x100/8" alt="" loading="lazy" width="100" height="100">
<div class="media_carousel_item_wrapper">
<div class="media_carousel_item_header">
<h2 class="media_carousel_item_title">
<span class="media_carousel_item_title_primary">Jewelry</span> <span class="media_carousel_item_secondary">CRAF 211</span>
<div class="media_carousel_item_body">
<p class="media_carousel_item_description">Investigation of basic jewelry making processes such as construction, chasing, surface embellishment and basic stone setting. Research in contemporary and historical jewelry forms.</p>
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<p>Craft, at its core, is about understanding how to make things. Material Studies is about bringing an idea into the physical world through a deep understanding of materials and their potential. The Bachelor of Fine Arts in Craft and Material Studies enables you to become a well-rounded artist through a broad range of studio and academic coursework designed to foster technical fluency, critical studies, diverse thinking, and an understanding of craft and art in the 21st century.</p>
<p>Our courses examine diverse materials and cultivate your personal curiosity. You will create work along a broad spectrum, from functional design to conceptual art, and refine your communication skills through writing, presenting and discussing your work.</p>
<p>The five main areas of focus—glass, fiber, clay, metal and wood—incorporate contemporary modes of thinking and making with long-established techniques from all over the world. Students choose electives from an array of subjects including studio courses, environmental studies, art history and gender studies.</p>
<!-- END: WYSIWYG -->
<div class="full_width_callouts">
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title: 'Art Foundation Program',
description: 'The Art Foundation Program (AFO) is the first year experience for students who want to major in Craft/Material Studies. The skills you\'ll develop are required to declare a Craft/Materials Studies major.',
links: [
url: '#',
label: 'Learn About AFO',
aria: ''
url: '#',
label: 'How to Apply',
aria: ''
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title: 'Course Highlights',
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items: [
image: '4',
alt: '',
title: 'Woodworking Techniques',
subtitle: 'CRAF 221',
url: '#',
'Introduction to techniques of woodworking. Includes the use of hand tools; hand and machine joinery; shaping and carving; finishing; and techniques involving jigs and fixtures. Students participate in studio work.'
image: '5',
alt: '',
title: 'Jewelry',
subtitle: 'CRAF 211',
url: '#',
'Investigation of basic jewelry making processes such as construction, chasing, surface embellishment and basic stone setting. Research in contemporary and historical jewelry forms.'
image: '6',
alt: '',
title: 'Woodworking Techniques',
subtitle: 'CRAF 221',
url: '',
'Introduction to techniques of woodworking. Includes the use of hand tools; hand and machine joinery; shaping and carving; finishing; and techniques involving jigs and fixtures. Students participate in studio work.'
image: '8',
alt: '',
title: 'Jewelry',
subtitle: 'CRAF 211',
url: '',
'Investigation of basic jewelry making processes such as construction, chasing, surface embellishment and basic stone setting. Research in contemporary and historical jewelry forms.'
} %}
No notes defined.