<!-- Call to Action -->
<div class="cta cta_has_image cta_image_background" data-sticky-sidebar-color="light">
<div class="cta_background">
<figure class="cta_background_figure" aria-hidden="true">
<img class="cta_background_image" srcset="https://images.fastspot.com/vcuarts/1440x810/3 1440w, https://images.fastspot.com/vcuarts/1220x686/3 1220w, https://images.fastspot.com/vcuarts/980x552/3 980w, https://images.fastspot.com/vcuarts/740x416/3 740w, https://images.fastspot.com/vcuarts/500x282/3 500w, https://images.fastspot.com/vcuarts/300x169/3 300w" sizes="100vw" src="https://images.fastspot.com/vcuarts/300x169/3" alt="" loading="lazy" width="300" height="169">
<div class="cta_intro">
<div class="fs-row">
<div class="fs-cell">
<div class="cta_intro_inner">
<div class="cta_header">
<div class="cta_title">
<h2 class="cta_title_primary">Find campus and community happenings, opportunities to share your work, upcoming deadlines, and department information.</h2>
<p class="cta_title_secondary">Ipsum Consectetur Pharetra Purus</p>
<div class="cta_body">
<div class="cta_action">
<a href="#" class="cta_link">
<span class="cta_link_inner">
<span class="cta_link_label">Diversity, Equity and Inclusion at VCUarts</span><span class="icon_nowrap cta_link_icon" aria-hidden="true">
<svg class="icon icon_arrow_right">
<use href="/images/icons.svg#arrow_right" />
<!-- END: Call to Action -->
{% include '@component-call-to-action' with {
page_nav_id: '',
theme: 'color',
title: 'Title Primary',
secondary_title: 'Title Secondary',
description: 'Description',
image: '1',
alt: '',
background: false,
link: {
url: '#',
label: 'label',
aria: 'aria'
} %}
{% set sidebar_color = {
white: 'dark',
green: 'dark',
green_pale: 'dark',
blue: 'light',
blue_pale: 'dark',
yellow: 'dark',
yellow_pale: 'dark',
pink: 'dark',
red: 'dark',
black: 'light',
} %}
<!-- Call to Action -->
<div class="{% if page_nav_id %}js-page-nav-component {% endif %}cta{% if background == false %} cta_theme_{{ theme }}{% endif %}{% if image %} cta_has_image{% endif %}{% if image and background == true %} cta_image_background{% endif %}{% if image and background == false %} cta_image_inline{% endif %}"{% if page_nav_id %} id="{{ page_nav_id }}"{% endif %} data-sticky-sidebar-color="{{ image and background == true ? 'light' : sidebar_color[theme] }}">
{% if image and background == true %}
<div class="cta_background">
<figure class="cta_background_figure" aria-hidden="true">
{% include '@partial-image' with {
class: 'cta_background',
alt: alt,
image: image,
loading: 'lazy',
sources: [
sizes: [
} %}
{% endif %}
<div class="cta_intro">
<div class="fs-row">
<div class="fs-cell">
<div class="cta_intro_inner">
<div class="cta_header">
<div class="cta_title">
<h2 class="cta_title_primary">{{ title }}</h2>
{% if secondary_title %}
<p class="cta_title_secondary">{{ secondary_title }}</p>
{% endif %}
<div class="cta_body">
{% if description %}
<div class="cta_description">{{ description }}</div>
{% endif %}
<div class="cta_action">
{% include '@partial-link' with {
class: 'cta',
title: link.label,
url: link.url,
icon: 'arrow_right',
aria: link.aria,
nowrap: true
} %}
{% if image and background == false %}
<div class="cta_media">
<div class="fs-row">
<div class="fs-cell">
<div class="cta_media_inner">
<figure class="cta_figure">
{% include '@partial-image' with {
class: 'cta',
alt: alt,
image: image,
loading: 'lazy',
sources: [
sizes: [
"(min-width: 980px) 76vw",
} %}
{% endif %}
<!-- END: Call to Action -->
No notes defined.