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                                <h2 class="page_nav_title" id="basic_nav_title-44">On this page</h2>
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                                            <span class="page_nav_link_label">Overview</span>
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                                            <span class="page_nav_link_label">Mission</span>
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                                    <a class="page_nav_link" href="#on_page_3">
                                        <div class="page_nav_link_inner">
                                            <span class="page_nav_link_label">Diversity, Equity & Inclusion</span>
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                                            <span class="page_nav_link_label">Accredidation</span>
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                                <div class="wysiwyg_block_title">
                                    <h2 class="wysiwyg_block_title_primary">Overview</h2>
                                <p>VCUarts is a public, non-profit, accredited four-year art and design school housed within a major research university. Located in the vibrant downtown of Richmond, VA, our campus offers 18 bachelor’s degrees and 5 master’s degrees. We are a diverse community of creators who are dedicated to honing our craft and driven to tackle challenges that go beyond conventional arts practices. And, according to U.S. News and World Report, we are among the top-ranked arts and design school in the country.</p>
                        <!-- END: WYSIWYG -->

<div class="full_width_callouts">

    <!-- Stats -->
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                        <div class="stats_title">
                            <h2 class="stats_title_primary">VCUarts At-A-Glance</h2>
                        <div class="stats_description">
                            <p>Learn about our rankings, class size, student body, academic program offerings and more.</p>
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                        <ul class="stats_items" aria-label="VCUarts At-A-Glance">
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                                    <p class="stats_item_title">
                                        <span class="stats_item_title_figure">16</span> <span class="stats_item_title_label">Academic Departments</span>
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                                            <a href="#" class="stats_item_link">
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                                                    <span class="stats_item_link_label">Academics</span><span class="icon_nowrap stats_item_link_icon" aria-hidden="true">&#xfeff;
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                                <div class="stats_item_body">
                                    <p class="stats_item_title">
                                        <span class="stats_item_title_figure">3,227</span> <span class="stats_item_title_label">Students Enrolled</span>
                                    <div class="stats_item_actions">
                                        <div class="stats_item_action">

                                            <a href="#" class="stats_item_link">
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                                                    <span class="stats_item_link_label">Admissions</span><span class="icon_nowrap stats_item_link_icon" aria-hidden="true">&#xfeff;
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                                        <span class="stats_item_title_figure">17</span> <span class="stats_item_title_label">Buildings on Campus</span>
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                                        <div class="stats_item_action">

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                                                    <span class="stats_item_link_label">Campus & Community</span><span class="icon_nowrap stats_item_link_icon" aria-hidden="true">&#xfeff;
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                                    <p class="stats_item_title">
                                        <span class="stats_item_title_figure">#4</span> <span class="stats_item_title_label">in Best Fine ArtsPrograms</span>
                                    <p class="stats_item_description">according to U.S. News and World Report</p>
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                                    <span class="stats_link_label">Explore Fast Facts</span><span class="icon_nowrap stats_link_icon" aria-hidden="true">&#xfeff;
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                            <h2 class="wysiwyg_block_title_primary">Our Mission</h2>
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                            <p>Virginia Commonwealth University School of the Arts is deeply committed to the University's mission of advancing knowledge and student success. We are keenly aware of our distinct position to be a catalyst for engaged learning on a campus that is centered on the student and that fosters inquiry and innovation.</p>
                            <p>Our departments and programs expand the boundaries of new knowledge and emphasize research, creative expression and interdisciplinary collaborations. The School of the Arts\' work ethos underscores the importance of trust among our colleagues and peers, and the importance of creativity to bring new perspectives to complex problems for faculty, staff, and students alike.</p>
    <!-- END: WYSIWYG -->

    <!-- Testimonial -->
    <div class="testimonial testimonial_theme_black" data-sticky-sidebar-color="light">
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                <div class="testimonial_inner">
                    <figure class="testimonial_figure">
                        <blockquote class="testimonial_quote">
                            <p><span class="testimonial_quote_open">&ldquo;</span>There's this boots-on-the-ground quality to VCUarts, an authenticity that exists among its students, its faculty, and its staff where everyone is committed to the arts, working toward the success of their work and the school<span class="testimonial_quote_close">&rdquo;</span></p>
                        <figcaption class="testimonial_figcaption">
                            <span class="testimonial_media">

                                <img class="testimonial_image" srcset="https://images.fastspot.com/vcuarts/300x300/4 300w, https://images.fastspot.com/vcuarts/100x100/4 100w" sizes="(min-width: 500px) 122px, 100px" src="https://images.fastspot.com/vcuarts/100x100/4" alt="" loading="lazy" width="100" height="100">
                            <span class="testimonial_info">
                                <span class="testimonial_quote_name">Carmenita D. Higginbotham, Ph.D.</span>
                                <span class="testimonial_quote_title">Dean, VCUarts and Special Assistant to the Provost for the School of the Arts in Qatar</span>
                    <div class="testimonial_action">

                        <a href="#" class="testimonial_link">
                            <span class="testimonial_link_inner">
                                <span class="testimonial_link_label">Meet the VCUarts Leadership</span><span class="icon_nowrap testimonial_link_icon" aria-hidden="true">&#xfeff;
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                                <h2 class="cta_title_primary">Diversity, Equity and Inclusion</h2>
                        <div class="cta_body">
                            <div class="cta_description">
                                <p>VCU and the School of the Arts value and celebrate diversity in all of its forms. We support thoughtful, informed and inclusive action, and are committed to empowering community values in which individuals of different perspectives, life experiences, cultural backgrounds, and social identities feel safe and welcomed.</p>
                            <div class="cta_action">

                                <a href="#" class="cta_link">
                                    <span class="cta_link_inner">
                                        <span class="cta_link_label">More About Diversity, Equity and Inclusion at VCUarts</span><span class="icon_nowrap cta_link_icon" aria-hidden="true">&#xfeff;
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    <!-- END: Call to Action -->

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                            <h2 class="link_group_title_primary">Accreditation</h2>
                        <div class="link_group_description">
                            <p>Accreditation ensures that academic programs provided by institutions of higher education meet acceptable levels of quality. Accrediting associations develop rigorous evaluation criteria and conduct peer reviews on a regular basis.</p>
                            <p>VCU is an accredited institutional member of:</p>
        <div class="link_group_body">
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                    <div class="link_group_body_inner">
                        <ul class="link_group_list">
                            <li class="link_group_item">
                                <a class="link_group_link" href="#">
                                    <span class="link_group_link_inner">
                                        <span class="link_group_link_label">National Association of Schools of Art and Design (NASAD)</span>
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                                            <svg class="icon icon_arrow_right">
                                                <use href="/images/icons.svg#arrow_right" />
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                                <a class="link_group_link" href="#">
                                    <span class="link_group_link_inner">
                                        <span class="link_group_link_label">National Association of Schools of Theatre (NAST)</span>
                                        <span class="link_group_link_icon">
                                            <svg class="icon icon_arrow_right">
                                                <use href="/images/icons.svg#arrow_right" />
                            <li class="link_group_item">
                                <a class="link_group_link" href="#">
                                    <span class="link_group_link_inner">
                                        <span class="link_group_link_label">National Association of Schools of Dance (NASD)</span>
                                        <span class="link_group_link_icon">
                                            <svg class="icon icon_arrow_right">
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                                        <span class="link_group_link_label">Virginia Department of Education (VDOE)</span>
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                                            <svg class="icon icon_arrow_right">
                                                <use href="/images/icons.svg#arrow_right" />
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                                <a class="link_group_link" href="#">
                                    <span class="link_group_link_inner">
                                        <span class="link_group_link_label">National Association of Schools of Music (NASM)</span>
                                        <span class="link_group_link_icon">
                                            <svg class="icon icon_arrow_right">
                                                <use href="/images/icons.svg#arrow_right" />
                            <li class="link_group_item">
                                <a class="link_group_link" href="#">
                                    <span class="link_group_link_inner">
                                        <span class="link_group_link_label">National Association of Schools of Music (NASM)</span>
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                                            <svg class="icon icon_arrow_right">
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                                <a class="link_group_link" href="#">
                                    <span class="link_group_link_inner">
                                        <span class="link_group_link_label">Council for Interior Design Accreditation (CIDA)</span>
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                                            <svg class="icon icon_arrow_right">
                                                <use href="/images/icons.svg#arrow_right" />
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                                        <span class="link_group_link_label">Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP).</span>
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                                            <svg class="icon icon_arrow_right">
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                                <a class="link_group_link" href="#">
                                    <span class="link_group_link_inner">
                                        <span class="link_group_link_label">Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACS COC)</span>
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							title: 'On this page',
							active_index: '',
							links: [
									'title': 'Overview',
									'url': '#on_page_1'
									'title': 'Mission',
									'url': '#on_page_2'
									'title': 'Diversity, Equity & Inclusion',
									'url': '#on_page_3'
									'title': 'Accredidation',
									'url': '#on_page_4'
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								<p>VCUarts is a public, non-profit, accredited four-year art and design school housed within a major research university. Located in the vibrant downtown of Richmond, VA, our campus offers 18 bachelor’s degrees and 5 master’s degrees. We are a diverse community of creators who are dedicated to honing our craft and driven to tackle challenges that go beyond conventional arts practices. And, according to U.S. News and World Report, we are among the top-ranked arts and design school in the country.</p>
						<!-- END: WYSIWYG -->

<div class="full_width_callouts">
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		title: 'Our Mission',
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		content: '<p>Virginia Commonwealth University School of the Arts is deeply committed to the University\'s mission of advancing knowledge and student success. We are keenly aware of our distinct position to be a catalyst for engaged learning on a campus that is centered on the student and that fosters inquiry and innovation.</p><p>Our departments and programs expand the boundaries of new knowledge and emphasize research, creative expression and interdisciplinary collaborations. The School of the Arts\' work ethos underscores the importance of trust among our colleagues and peers, and the importance of creativity to bring new perspectives to complex problems for faculty, staff, and students alike.</p>'
	} %}

	{% include '@component-testimonial' with {
		theme: 'black',
		quote: "There's this boots-on-the-ground quality to VCUarts, an authenticity that exists among its students, its faculty, and its staff where everyone is committed to the arts, working toward the success of their work and the school",
		name: 'Carmenita D. Higginbotham, Ph.D.',
			'Dean, VCUarts and Special Assistant to the Provost for the School of the Arts in Qatar',
		image: '4',
		alt: '',
		link: {
			url: '#',
			label: 'Meet the VCUarts Leadership',
			aria: ''
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		theme: 'blue_pale',
		image: '2',
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		background: false,
		title: 'Diversity, Equity and Inclusion',
		secondary_title: '',
			'<p>VCU and the School of the Arts value and celebrate diversity in all of its forms. We support thoughtful, informed and inclusive action, and are committed to empowering community values in which individuals of different perspectives, life experiences, cultural backgrounds, and social identities feel safe and welcomed.</p>',
		link: {
			url: '#',
			label: 'More About Diversity, Equity and Inclusion at VCUarts',
			aria: ''
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		title: 'Accreditation',
		secondary_title: '',
		description: '<p>Accreditation ensures that academic programs provided by institutions of higher education meet acceptable levels of quality. Accrediting associations develop rigorous evaluation criteria and conduct peer reviews on a regular basis.</p><p>VCU is an accredited institutional member of:</p>',
		items: [
				title: 'National Association of Schools of Art and Design (NASAD)',
				url: '#'
				title: 'National Association of Schools of Theatre (NAST)',
				url: '#'
				title: 'National Association of Schools of Dance (NASD)',
				url: '#'
				title: 'Virginia Department of Education (VDOE)',
				url: '#'
				title: 'National Association of Schools of Music (NASM)',
				url: '#'
				title: 'National Association of Schools of Music (NASM)',
				url: '#'
				title: 'Council for Interior Design Accreditation (CIDA)',
				url: '#'
				title: 'Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP).',
				url: '#'
				title: 'Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACS COC)',
				url: '#'
	} %}

No notes defined.