At its core, Craft is about understanding how to make things. Material Studies is about bringing an idea into the physical world through a deep understanding of materials and their potential.

Our department investigates Craft+Material Studies with hands-on learning in 5 main areas of study:

  • Glass
  • Fiber
  • Clay
  • Metal
  • Wood

Students learn to create work—from functional design to conceptual—that propels culture and challenges the age we live in. Students refine communication skills through writing, presenting, and discussing their work with audiences on campus and in the arts community.

Hear From Our Students

Our Faculty

Lead By Example

Craft/Materials Studies faculty are awarded artists and experienced teachers. They moonlight as authors and studio managers, traveling exhibitors, and successful businesspeople. Meet the professors and mentors that you’ll work alongside.

Our Alumni

A Degree in Craft/Material Studies Leads to Great Things

Our alumni include recipients of numerous awards and fellowships. Alumni exhibit their work throughout the world, attend prestigious residency programs, hold teaching positions, are entrepreneurs, and maintain active studio careers.

Our alumni are

  • Textile, furniture, and jewelry designers
  • Full-time studio artists
  • Professors
  • Gallery Managers
  • Art Administrators

Connect with the Department of Craft/Material Studies

1000 West Broad Street, Room 239
Richmond, VA 21284